The health and safety of our employees are the main elements that Üründül Group primarily observes in its activities. In environmental and occupational safety issues, Üründül Group conducted both environmental assessment and hazard identification and risk assessment studies in everywhere it operates.

The activities we perform in order to execute our occupational health and safety policy as Üründül Group:

Being Foresighted and Taking Measures

  • Identifying the hazards in advance at all times with the participation of all the employees, taking measures against the risks of loss, accident or harm within the framework of the principles regarding safety

Education and Raising Awareness

  • Reducing the adverse effects of the activities on human health, raising the awareness of the employees, sub-contractors, customers and contractors regarding the matters of health and safety, supporting them with education, cooperating with the organizations that advocate public interests in this regard.

  • Preventing reoccurring incidents and accidents, submitting realistic reports regarding the incidents and accidents in order to improve performance and ensuring that people learn from these incidents.

  • To execute the Emergency Management Plan with optimum performance when necessary

Compliance to the Laws

  • Complying to the legal regulations in effect in our country regarding this policy

  • Taking into account the new premises and processes, occupational diseases and occupational safety factors at the stage of project planning.


  • All managers who work in any of the working regions connected to Üründül Group are responsible for executing this policy in their units, taking necessary actions regarding their operations and implementing them.