VISIONTo become one of the leading actors with strong presence in global markets across all areas of operation which guides Turkey’s initiatives in the light of over 30 years of experiences and know-how in the construction and energy sectors and thanks to its strong capital structure, entrepreneurial character, courage, and corporate governance approach. MISSIONTo carry Üründül Group into the future as a power to help Turkey develop and achieve increased international reputation through various business models and investments developed in light of the global values. VALUESOUR INNOVATIVE AND ENTREPRENEURIAL ATTITUDE:To develop creative solutions with desire to succeed despite difficulties, exercise initiative, take responsibility, and drive actions in compliance with laws and corporate beliefs and ethics. To listen to new ideas and encourage innovative ideas, monitor new developments, take proper risks where necessary and take advantage of such innovations and opportunities. OUR RELIABILITY:To adopt a fair, consistent management equally protecting own interests and those of its customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders and the entire society, and maintain the trust we have built by our recognition, integrity and reputation in the sector over 30 years. OUR RESPECT FOR HUMANS, ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY RESOURCES:To develop projects respectful to the nature, environment, natural energy resources and human life. To assume responsibility to pass on natural resources and cultural values to future. To respect different ideas, different people, and cultural differences. OUR BELIEF THAT INVESTING IN PEOPLE IS THE STRONGEST FOUNDATION OF A COMPANY:To value people. To add value to its employees by providing opportunity for professional training and development. To reward success. OUR SENSE OF TEAM WORK AND INTEGRITY:To believe in the power of team sprite, joint synergy and communications in
creating a peaceful working environment, and encourage mutual trust and
cooperation. To protect the company’s name and image, be proud of our business.
To establish and adopt the understanding that our successes are jointly
achieved. OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR HISTORY AND VALUES:To maintain national, family and moral values through an understanding of importance of taking strength and lessons from the past on the road to future. To retain and keep alive our values from the past while keeping track of innovations of the time. COMPETITIVENESS AND CONTINUITY:To have market prediction and a visionary point of view; give priority to doing our business best and avoiding from compromising quality while strengthening our areas requiring improvement and maintaining our strong points even if conditions of the market and competition put us under pressure. To be forward-looking all the time and develop future-oriented designs and solutions in order for our investments to be permanent. |